SolvIT got involved in several local initiatives that we support and believe will bring beneficial changes to our society. We believe in social responsibility and our goal is to be an ethical and ecological company.
The associations in which we believe and that we decided to help by providing material support are:
“Aşezămintele Sfântului Mare Mucenic Mina” Association
- Transforming attitudes, contexts and relationships by building capacities in promoting the principle of interdependence and fostering civic engagement in helping the disadvantaged;
- Improving life quality for people with disabilities and their families;
- Promoting social inclusion through the implementation of projects and programs in the areas of training, consulting and non-formal education;
- Designing best practices alternatives and systems in organizational structures supporting tension easing and dispute resolution;
- Creating community development programs focusing on vulnerable categories;
- Promoting charity and voluntary through development of social services for the disadvantaged;
- Preserving and spreading the teaching of the Orthodox religion;
- Preserving and promoting cultural and religious heritage
- Programs for supporting groups with a high risk of social exclusion – the development of independent living skills, orientation, training and employment mediation; create the context for the development of social economy structures, etc;
- Consultancy and assistance in the design and implementation of application systems for human resource development;
- Development of national and trans-national partnerships;
- Training and education
- Seminars / workshops for training and information
- Develop programs for youth;
- Occupational creative workshops
- Cultural initiatives
- Implementation of international guidelines in support of the pursued objectives;
- Support for research activities in areas of interest;
- Exploring spiritual itineraries.
Solidarity Humanitarian Foundation for orphans and abandoned children in Romania (F.U.S.C.O)
Foundation initiated and led by young abandoned orphans and created to help people who came out of social care institutions, people who do not know their roots and of whose social integration (work, home, food, civic education) we are mostly preoccupied.
Pro Vita Association for born and unborn
Pro Vita Association for born and unborn is a non-governmental, non-profit and apolitical organization. The mission of the association is to protect the dignity of human life in general, and in particular that of children born and unborn.
As part of its environmental commitment SolvIT has gained SR EN ISO 14001:2005, EN ISO 14001:2004 Certification for environmental management systems.